Производитель электрических регулируемых по высоте столов

Основы столов

Требуется стол на одной, двух, трех опрах или монтируемый на стену?
Выберите категорию, чтобы подобрать электрический регулируемый по высоте стол


1-column frames

The 1-column desk frame is very suitable for smaller tabletops. A perfect choice for smaller work stations

2-column frames

The 2-column frame is the most ordinary height adjustable desk frame, used for normal office desk.

3-column frames

For large office desks and angle desks the 3-column frames are a good solution.

Bench frames

Many desks are placed back to back in offices - this double desk fits perfectly into furnishing the office with the maximum of benefits when it comes to cleaning, space for the legs and electrical wires not being on the floor.

Wall-mounted frames

The wall-mounted height adjustable desk frame is a space-saving and practial choice. Perfect for small tabletops, and perfect when you do not want any feet getting in your way.


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